Magnetic Motor

Magnetic Motor

Magnetic Motor

Magnetic Motor


Magnetic Motor Hand Drawings (shown above)

Magnetic Motor – PDF

- Magnetic Motor runs on free energy provided by the energy field of the planet
- Magnetic Motor is powered by the magnetic current generated by the Celestial Particle Transmuter
- Magnetic Motor does not produce pollution
- Magnetic Motor is designed to recycle the energy is uses to conserve natural resources and maintain a balanced energy field on this planet
- Magnetic Motor can be constructed in various sizes for greater output
- Magnetic Motor produces 10 HP
- Magnetic Motor is useful in numerous applications including transportation, industrial uses, residential uses (for example it can power a fan to be used with the Magnetic Heating Unit)
- Magnetic Motor requires special alloy TiAlCo-B to function
- Magnetic Motor requires mechanical startup

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Somewhere in the Universe this Magnetic Motor won 1st price in a science fair competition. The design really is ingenious. This is one of those units that people will build in various sizes; it is basically capable of replacing electric motors. Keep in mind the next generation will be wireless Magnetic Motors with magnetic energy transmitted via crystals. In space it is pretty important to have reliable magnetic power, especially when your ship has large metal plates that need to be turned to generate the fields for propulsion. This simple design is quite reliable and easy to fix. The next gen ships will probably have far less moving parts but we need to start somewhere so people can learn the concepts, document the pulse rates, etc. With our current technology and theories, people have been struggling to understand the Universe. Even when trying to explain how basic things work, like gravity, science has made very little progress. But with the proper magnetic technology and theories, the human race will begin to understand how things work and why things work the way they do. This deeper understanding will set people free from many myths that pervade our cultures.

This motor is a magnetic device that incorporates the use of rotors to generate physical power, which is another form of magnetic energy. This unit requires an energy supply from its mother unit, the Celestial Particle Transmuter. When combined, these two will be used to produce an energy for other mechanisms, such as mechanical appliances.


This motor attracts the flowing magnetic energy from the Transmuter (coming from the coaxial cable) into it’s rotor and sets up a response from wing to wing which completes a circuit between two stationary copper rings. In turn this completed circuit becomes the driving force to turn the structure. It is an important fact worth noting that the principle here is to show the relationship between magnetic energy as opposed to electrical current, when captivated in a particular structure. This energy form will produce the same driving force as electrical current when applied to the proper structure. This opens unlimited possibilities for the manner in which this structure can be used.

This unit does not have the problems typically associated with electrical current, such as overheating, motor weight due to the use of iron, the cost of electricity, the danger of motor fires, etc

To capitalize on this untapped power source – a motor design is herein used that departs from standard electric motor designs.


#1 – Aluminum Outer Housing

#2 – Hardened Aluminum Front Motor Housing

#3 – Back Motor Housing – hardened aluminum

#4 – Oil Cap and oil saturated cloth

#5 – Brass Motor Shaft

#6 – Collar secured to Shaft #5. This Collar is made with a bolted section on one side to form a groove on the outside rim that supports a cam.

#7 – Disc Brake Material – 11/2″ O.D., 1″ I.D., 3/32 thick, secured to the side of Collar #6.

#8 – Six Trip Cams measuring 13/16″ long spaced equally for 360 degrees in two rows, 3/8″ apart, center to center, secured onto Shaft #5.

#9 – A stationary 12 position Holding Ring secured to Housing #3 with 12 Holding Grooves consisting of 1/4″ half circles.

#10- A Trip Arm activated by each of the six Trip Cams #8

#11 – A Pin that is the pivot point for Trip Arm #10 – nonmetallic

#12 – A Fork Section of Trip Arm #10

#13 – A Frame to support Pin #11 – This frame is supported by Shaft #5 with a flange bearing that allows the shaft to turn inside it. When Trip Arm #10 is forced up, pressure is put on Pin #11 which applies a backward force to a snap ring secured to Shaft #5. Frame #13 is a nonmetallic material.

#14 – Snap Ring mounted in a groove in Shaft #5.

#15 – Outside Cam with six lobes – This Cam has a slot machined through it that allows Arm #10 to pass through it.

#16- Three 3/8″ Shafts secured to outside Cam #15. These shafts are equally spaced around 360 degrees.

#17- Three small 3/8” I.D. Compression Springs slid onto Shafts #16

#18 – Cam located on the inside of the Hub having the same pattern of lobes as the outside Cam. This cam is held away from Cam #15 by Compression Springs #17.

Shafts #16 have adjusting nuts on the ends to prevent the inside Cam #18 from moving more than .018″ away from the Brake Material #7.

#19 – These are four Grooved Slots machined in Cam #18. Three of these slots are 3/8″ wide and long enough to allow Cam #18 to advance 30 degrees on Shaft #16 before the Shaft contacts the back of these slots. The larger slot allows cam movement without Arm #10 causing interference.

#20 – Three compression Springs that are mounted inside the trail section of the grooved slots in Cam #18. Before this Cam advances the allowed 30 degrees of forward travel, these three Compression Springs contact the three Shafts #16 and get compressed and then cause the Shafts to also rotate in the same direction and carry Cam #15 with them.

#21 – These are Braces to slideably hold the Cross Bars that carry the moving electrodes. These braces have grooves machined to accommodate two leaf springs, one on each side. These Springs are on the ends of the Cross Bars to constantly force the Cross Bars toward the Shaft #5.

#22 – Top Cross Bar

#23 – Top Cross Bar magnetic storing Material

#24 – Electrode secured to storing Material #23

#25 – Brush to feed power into Material #23

#26 – Line to feed power into Brush #25

#27 – Magnetic Storing Material secured into Top Cross Bar #22

#28 – Electrode secured to Material #27

#29 – Brush to feed power into Storing Material #27

#30 – Line to feed power into Brush #29

#31 – Arm secured to Top Cross Bar #22 which reaches over the top of Cam #15 but does not make contact with it.

#32 – Cam Follower Bearing that carries Top Cross Bar #22 up and down by contacting Cam #18.

#33 – Bottom Cross Bar

#34 – Magnetic Storing Material secured onto Bottom Cross Bar #33

#36 – Brush to feed power into Material #34

#37 – Power Line to feed Brush #36

#38 – Material to hold magnetic charge

#39 – Electrode secured to Material #38

#40 – Brush to feed power into Material #38

#41 – Line to feed Brush #40

#42 – Cam Follower Bearing to move Bar #33 which is moved up and down by Back Cam #15

#43 – Two Leaf Springs – half circle shapes that go from the top of Cross Bar 22 on each end to the bottom of Cross Bar #33 on each end thus forcing the Cross Bars to spring toward each other.

#44 – Hub secured to Shaft #5 having 8 Wings (each Wing numbered separately)

#45 – Brush and Brush Holder to carry the ground Wire from the Transmuter to the Hub #44

#46-61 – Sixteen Electrodes equally spaced around Hub #45

#62 – Wing secured to Rotor

#63 – Wire secured to front of Wing #62 and connected to Electrode #47

#64 – Wire secured to rear of Wing #62 and connected to Electrode #50

#65 – Wing secured to Hub

#66 – Wire secured to front of Wing #65 and connected to Electrode #49

#67 – Wire on rear of Wing #65 connected to Electrode #52

#68 – Wing secured to Hub

#69 – Wire on front of Wing #68 secured to Electrode #51

#70 – Wire on rear of Wing #68 connected to Electrode #54

#71 – Wing secured to Hub

#72 – Wire on front of Wing #71 secured to Electrode #53

#73 – Wire on rear of Wing #71 secured to Electrode #56

#74 – Wing secured to Hub

#75 – Wire on front of Wing #74 secured to Electrode #55

#76 – Wire on rear of Wing #74 secured to Electrode #58

#77 – Wing on Hub

#78 – Wire on front of Wing #77 secured to Electrode #57

#79 – Wire on rear of Wing #77 secured to Electrode #60

#80 – Wing secured to Hub

#81 – Wire on front of Wing #80 secured to Electrode #59

#82 – Wire on rear of Wing #80 secured to Electrode #46

#83 – Wing secured to Hub

#84 – Wire on front of Wing #83 secured to Electrode #61

#85 – Wire on rear of Wing #83 secured to Electrode #48

#86 – Eight sets of five half-lapped .030 metal Magnets measuring 15/16″ long by 3/8″ wide

#87 – Mylar insulation between Magnets

#88 – Front Copper Ring measuring 12″ I.D. – 13″ O.D., .100 thick

#89 – Front Copper Ring Support Fixture

#90 – Spacers and Bolts to hold #89 Copper Ring to front Motor Cover

#91 – Back Copper Ring measuring 12″ I.D. – 13″ O.D., .100 thick

#92 – Back Copper Ring Support Fixture

#93 – Spacers and Bolts to hold #92 Copper Ring to Back Motor Frame


The best starting point for becoming familiarized with the mechanical working parts is by viewing Figure 1. This view shows a brass shaft turning in two aluminum housings. Secured to this shaft is a Hub #44, Collar #6, Snap Ring #14 and six Trip Shafts – 1/8″ thick extending 13/16″ away from the Shaft. These pins are located on the Shaft as shown, in order to lift Arm #10 differing amounts. The Shafts closer to Pin #11 will lift the end of Arm #10 slightly higher than the Shafts further away because of the changing leverage distance. As this movement is further defined, the reason for this variable lifting to Arm #10 will become evident. The electrodes #46-61 on the rotor need to be fed magnetic power in a very specific manner which can only be accomplished by camming Power-electrodes toward the 16 Rotor Electrodes and then quickly pulling the Power-electrode away.

As a result a pulse spans an air gap between the vertical Power-electrodes and the Rotary Electrodes. It is important to view Figure 1 closely in order to grasp the close proximity between the two Copper Rings #91 and #88. The focal point for the driving power of this rotor is the Magnets located in the Rotor Wings. These are centered between the Copper Rings. This view is very helpful in gaining an understanding of the magnetic activity that takes place.

As we review the Trip Pins we first see that the 6 Pins #8 are secured to Shaft #5 in two separate circular planes of three Pins each, 120 degrees apart. Using an imaginary center line we see the pins in one row are 3/8″ in distance from the others. As the Pins turn, they arrive at Arm #10 at 60 degrees apart. The single camming sequence is as follows: Arm #10, which has its tripping portion on the high point of Part #9 is being lifted by a Camming Pin at the closer point to Pivot Shaft #11. This action lifts the 1/4″ brass shaft out of its 1/8″ deep half-round holding slot and causes Arm #10 to pivot on Shaft #11. Shaft #11 is supported by Part #13 which is being held from moving backwards by Snap Ring #14, therefore Arm #10 moves downward on the opposite end which has a Fork Extension #12. The Fork Extension pushes against a tapered portion of Cam #18 and causes the Cam to move back toward Housing #3 at a .018 distance. During this backward movement Cam #18 compresses 3 Compression Springs #17. After this backward movement, Cam #18 contacts brake material #7 which is secured to Collar #6. Since this Collar is secured to the Shaft, Cam #18 is immediately driven in the direction of the shaft rotation for 30 degrees. As this Cam moves, Cam-follower-bearing #32 which was at a low point of the Cam becomes raised 3/8″ carrying Arm #31 away from Shaft #5. Arm #31 which is firmly secured to Cross Bar #22 then moves this Cross Bar 3/8″ away from Shaft #5. This action closed the gap between the electrodes on Bar #22 and the Rotor Electrodes, thus a charge of magnetic current is transferred across the remaining .015 air gap. When Cam #18 advanced 30 degrees, the 2 Rotor Electrodes were charged.

By being allowed the travel amount of 30 degrees which was governed by machined slots within the Cam, the cam was allowed to swing on three 3/8″ shafts protruding from Cam #15. Before the Cam actually moved the full 30 degrees, it compressed three Compression Springs that are carried inside it which are located at the end of the slots. Before the actual 30 degree movement can be manifest a slowing of the cams’ forward movement happened by compressing the springs against Shaft #16. Now Cam #18 is against Shaft #16 and the forward driving power of #18 is ready to advance Cam #15. At this point note that Cam #18 has activated one stroke of the Cross Bar charging the two Rotor Electrodes. Next, Shafts #16 are pushed forward and they cause Cam #15 to move in the direction of a 30 degree rotation. During this electrode lifting action for Cam #15 which is now traveling in the direction of the rotating shaft, Cam #18 remains extended in its forward slot position because it is still contacting the Brake Material #7. Now another electrode lifting cycle is completed during the forward travel time of Cam #15 which is a 30 degree forward movement. Note at this particular time, the instant the Arm #10 is stopped in the next slot which is 30 degrees away, Cam #18 already has done twice as much electrode lifting work as Cam #15. To maintain this forward driving action for Cam #18, Arm #10 must be held in the ‘up position which then maintains pressure against Springs #17. This is done by having the arm slide on the high section of Stationary Ring #9. The moment Arm #10 goes down into the next slot and pressure is released between Cam #18 and Brake Material #7, Cam #18 instantly goes backwards 15 degrees. This is due to Compression Springs #20 between Shafts #16 and the trail end of Slots #19 which are compressed and free to push Cam #18 backwards. The backward movement is limited to 15 degrees because this is the distance the Compression Springs are allowed to push, which is determined by their length and tension. Since the forward travel of Cam #18 stopped 15 degrees over the top of a Cam Lobe,this 15 degrees of backward movement sends its Cam-follower-bearing to the top of a lobe and again Cam #18 pulses a set of electrodes. As a result, the inside Cam does 3 electrode movements to one movement of outside Cam #15.

Note then that a total of 4 electrode strokes happen in only 30 degrees of travel of Arm #10. As the following cam tripping movement is revealed it shows that the pulsing is controlled and eliminates the possibility of supplying more pulses than needed.


The camming system just described is a mechanism that produces the necessary requirements that achieve the end result of having a stop gauge effect on the productive magnetic system. The rotor design has a configuration that counteracts the air speed during the sequenced joining together of the electrodes as they are held in a positional attract state. This prevents the motor from going faster than the estimated 1600 r.p.m.’s. When a load is applied to the shaft and the rotor speed is reduced, the air load in turn is reduced, thus allowing the inflowing magnetic power to be utilized with less restriction.

The camming system increases its strokes as the load increases. The following camming explanation will show how the volume of flowing magnetic current to the unit is constantly being adjusted in accordance with the speed. The action is now explained with the motor in a stop position and power on the four electrodes that are waiting to charge the rotor. The shaft is now positioned where Pin A is under Arm #10. Pin A is holding Arm #10 slightly above Part #9 and a push of the Shaft begins a pulse that causes the unit to begin rotating. Pin A located on the closer row to the Pivot Shaft #11 lifts Arm #10 and passes on by. This action causes 4 cam actions or 8 pulses to happen as explained. Next, Pin B located in the row closer to Part #9 which arrives at Arm #10 just as it goes into the next slot 30 degrees away and again 4 cam actions happen or 8 magnetic pulses take place. The Shaft has now turned 60 degrees and 16 pulses have already happened. At this point, a quick acceleration of the motor speed occurs and an overflow of pulsing no longer takes place. The pulsing will now adjust to the needed amount per turn depending on the load.

When the unit is running at full speed the 6 Trip Pins are no longer utilized in a 1,2,3 pattern but are skipped as needed, depending on the speed of the shaft. Now when Pin A lifts Arm #10 above Part #9, it lifts the Arm not only free of Part #9 but actually higher than the needed distance for allowing the advance. This higher amount is caused by the arm extension which telescopes approximately 3/4″ from the point of contact between Arm #10 and Pin A. This brief moment of lifting allows Pin B to pass under Arm #10, not contacting it. Arm #10 then remains stopped without electrode lifting because the Cross Bars are spring held together keeping the Cam Bearing on the low points of the cams. When Trip Pin B passed under, the main shaft advanced 60 degrees. The next Trip Pin C passes under with no contact to Arm #10. Next, Trip Pin D will again raise up Arm #10 which is a Pin located 180 degrees away from starting Pin A. When pins speed on past, there is a lessening of the pulses which happens until finally at high speed a maximum of 3 stoppings to the Arm results per revolution of the Shaft which is 4 more strokes than needed. When the unit pulses, these 4 extra strokes are then used. We must take into consideration the air build-up that is lost during acceleration. This pulsing, when operating at a minimal speed has the potential of 12 stopping stations per revolution of the Cam. This potential attains the proper one pulse per wire per 360 degree turning of the Shaft which then utilizes the 4 additional pulses before a full momentum is generated.

Arm #10 is lifted higher when Pin A is the contacting pin and the Arm has less lift when the contacting Pin is Pin B. Whichever pin should happen to do the lifting there is a dependency on the speed of the Shaft. When the speed is increased, a Pin that would normally be used slips on by. If a load attempts to slow the speed of the Shaft, the magnetic power is instantly increased allowing more magnetism which converts into magnetic energy which completes the work. As the Pin A lifts Arm #10, not only does the magnetic current adjust to the load but the action also supplies the needed accommodation for a pulse pattern existing between each individual pulse stroke. In the mechanical action there is a time sequence that produces the needed magnetic pulsing. As the first pulse is manifested by Cam #18 which advanced forward independently, a given time period elapses before the next pulse happens. The increment of time that is produced results in a longer span than between the next 2 pulses.

When Cam #18 pulls Cam #15 forward, both move their electrodes upward with a little time differential between them.

Next, the reverse action of Cam #18 produces only a minute difference in the increment of time than the first pulse in order to reverse mass in motion. This cycle is now finalized by the cam being returned. We now have a time variation as to when this cam sequence will again occur which is dependent on the speed of the motor. This pattern of irregular timing intervals repeats. We see in all of this that this mechanical action provides the necessary movement which in turn produces the magnetic pulsing needed to drive the rotor.


The rotor configuration being disclosed serves distinctly different purposes. The primary reason for this particular rotor shape is that it affords a push-pull magnetic driving action in relationship to the stationary copper rings. A further reason for this particular shape is to provide a back-up air pressure to the driving magnetic power which then helps the pulsing circuit to maintain an estimated 1600 r.p.m.s. The design of the wings causes the magnetic energy to complete a circuit by using a wing to wing response which in turn incorporates the stationary copper rings. This wing to wing response is aided by a series of magnets that are embedded and circuited in the individual wings. The magnetic activity generated in the wing magnets becomes a determining factor in how the inflowing magnetic energy will be used.

Let us closely examine the magnets and their mounting procedure. In order to clarify our thinking, a comparison is being made between magnets in a standard D.C. motor and this unit. Permanent magnets in the stator of a D.C. motor are constantly manifesting their magnetic power and the response is always between them and a set-up magnetic field in the rotating part or armature. If the armature also had permanent magnets a problem of stopping their magnetic power would be quickly evident because of the attract locking hold that would take place. However, this motor requires a set-up of a magnetic field which is then dissipated in an on-off format which sets up a continuing magnetic pole response. The need to dissipate the magnetic field thus eliminates the use of permanent magnets because of the magnetic resistance that would occur. In considering the magnetic material needed it is important that the material be one that can sustain a magnetic field and yet yield it at the proper time. This release timing is of utmost importance because without the proper sustaining and release, the whole pulsing system would be uncontrolled.

Pulsing determines the amount of input of the magnetic energy that then establishes the outlay of the magnetic current or flow coming from the Mother Unit. This release timing element goes on to affect all facets of the operation.

The following list includes parts and facts pertaining to them which all contribute to the timing sequence.

#1 – size of each Magnet

#2 – number of Magnets in each Wing

#3 – particular placement of each Magnet Set

#4 – molecular structure of the Metal Magnet Material

#5 – amount of magnetic charge initially put into each Magnet

#6 – coating of the surface of each Magnet

#7 – insulation between each Magnet

#8- material holding the Magnets

#9 – mounting direction of each Magnet Stack

#10 – size of the wire secured to each side of the Magnet Stack

#11 – air space around each Magnet

#12 – distance apart one Magnet Set is from the other

#13 – number of Rotor Wings

#14 – pulsing sequence for the Metal Magnets charge

#15 – volume of magnetic energy pulsed into the Metal Magnets during each pulse

#16 – pulsed sequence between all eight Wings

#17 – placement of stationary Rings

#19 – composition of Stationary Rings

#20 – wing angle when mounted to the Hub

#21 – Wing Thickness

#22 – Wing configuration

#23 – molecular structure of the Rotor Assembly

#24 – placement of the 16 Electrodes in the Rotor

#25 – wiring procedure for connecting the Wing Wires to the Electrodes

#26 – bonding procedure for securing the Wires to the Wings

#27 – method for bringing the power into the Unit

#28 – method for building up a magnetic charge

#29 – method for camming four power Electrodes in their proper timing sequence to activate the rotating Rotor Electrodes.


This rotor is made by pouring a blend of known metals into a suitable mold which then forms a one piece cast Rotor Hub with eight Rotor Wings. This particular blend of known metals is used in this casting because of the molecular structures within the metal which is not achieved in other metal blends. This metal is known as TiAlCO-B, which has the fortitude of steel without the weight and can sustain high heat without disruptive seaming. We therefore have no concern that the wing structure is only a thickness of 1/8 inch. This blend of metals also has the unique quality of becoming a magnetic field when a magnet is located in it, and is conducive to receiving and distributing magnetic energy or responding to it. A simplified statement could be that this metal welcomes magnetism.

Viewing Figure 2 shows eight Rotor Wings, each with a set of five metal Magnets located in them. The metal composition used to construct these Magnets is a strong aircraft type aluminum called Alminal W16, (Alminal W16 – M-1273, M-2174; 3 Cu, 4 Mg, 0.6 Si, 0.6 Fe, 1 Mn, 0.2 It, 4.0-8.5 Zn, Bal Al. WP-temper: 78,000 – 85,000 TS; 67,000 – 74,000 YS; 5-4 El. For structural members; age-hardened, high strength). One important reason for the use of this metal Alminal W16 is it is compatible to the blend of metals being used in the wing structure. The Alminal W16 metal needs to be magnetically charged in a particular manner to attain the needed response.

This metal is first anodized on one side before the metal is charged with D.C. current which then turns it into a magnet. This new magnet will manifest only a modest amount of flux power because the percentage of the ferrite metal is only 0.6 percent. The flux power strength must be minimal to get the necessary response so as to eliminate magnetic resistance. In this particular application magnetic strength is not a major factor.

It is simply a catalytic action at the outset. The anodized side of the Alminal W16 is charged north and the opposite side is charged south. Since the magnets are cut from an anodized sheet the edges of these metal magnets remain unanodized. This is very important because when the magnets are half-lapped as shown in Figure 3 the magnetic flow takes a different path circuit on the north anodized side than on the south unanodized side. Viewing Figure 4 which is an isometric view of the rotor, it can clearly be shown how the north magnets of all eight wings face the south magnets of the eight wings. In other words, an unanodized side faces an anodized side. By having the one surface anodized it causes a magnetic path between rotor blades to build up in a powerful attract force. This same magnetic path would not be manifest if the metal were not anodized. A secondary reason for anodizing is that the structural polarities having to do with the anodized side cannot be depleted because the anodizing process penetrates a portion of the metal. The result is that you have an ongoing closed circuit.


Figure 3 shows a cut-away view of a wing with the magnet mounting procedure. The center of this magnet stack is 61/2 inches from the center of the rotor shaft #5. Point A is a lip of a wing .0071/2 thick, milled inward to .040 to contain the magnets and wires. The window frame construction completely surrounds the anodized magnets. Location B is a milled wing slot at the exit point of the window which secures the window wires leading to the electrodes. These wires are secured on the front as well as the rear of the wing.

Looking at the rectangular shape of the window, it is important to note that the surrounding wire before entering slot B should not complete a closed design but should retain an end opening
of 1/16 inch.
This wire exiting position is important because it puts the proper amount space between the wires that are mounted on of the front and rear of the wing. As stated previously the release timing in magnets vary according to the strength of the set-up magnetic field. When the .015 thick magnet wire is bonded on the front and rear of each rotor wing the amount of power that flows is determined by the receptivity of the particular wire toward magnetism and the thickness of this wire will vary according to each application (such as another type of mechanism).


Looking at the subject of magnetic travel we see that it has a neutral charge but the 16 electrodes in the rotor all have a set charge of north and south. As we look at the 8 wires wrapped around the north side which is anodized, we see a charge that travels from the magnets through the wire back to the electrodes. Spaced between these north electrodes are 8 south electrodes, which continue a pattern of magnetic feedback to their respective electrode. The inflowing neutral magnetic current is offered to any of these electrodes by means of the 4 camming power lines. The current is then attracted to the electrodes in their turn and the incoming magnetic current takes on an established polarity. The instant it crosses over to the rotor electrode, it becomes like the electrode it contacts, and then the power flow is reversed. This reversal occurs when the incoming magnetic power travels from the electrodes through the wire manifesting itself as it travels along its length and moves on attract into the wing. The finalization of this travel circuit is completed as it circles the Alminal magnets.

At the completion of this process the magnetic power manifests briefly as if it were a powerful giant magnet, and responds to the copper ring pulling the rotor for rotation. It is at this point that a critically important magnetic action takes place. After the magnetic material sustains its field, it must dissipate at the proper time, which then allows the magnetic energy to respond in a reverse action as it travels along the same wire back to the electrode where it originally started. When it first started the strength of the electrode charge was only equal to that power which the magnet was sustaining at that time. But now with a build-up of additional power, the beginning charge has been greatly increased.

This reversal of magnetism needs a time span to properly attain its function of full power to achieve its full power load which is why the power electrodes are quickly pulled away from the rotor electrodes after the charge transfers. With this quick returning action there also comes a time delay before the next pulse is needed to trigger to this same electrode. The cam-follower-bearings are quickly pulled to the low point of the cam which then limits the dwell time at the high point. Cross Bars 22 and 33 have leaf springs mounted on the ends which cause these two bars to always move toward each other after stroke movement takes place. The charge volume is also controlled by the air gap distance of .015 which actually helps to enhance the magnetic polarities.

The arrangement of the metal magnets in the wings is of the greatest importance for proper pulse action and it is for this reason that every mounting detail is next carefully itemized.


Looking at position D we see the five .030 thick Alminal magnets half-lapped, having four pieces of .010 thick Mylar measuring 3/16 inches wide by 7/8 inches long, sandwiched between the magnets. The magnet polarity is north-face up on the front, and south-face on the rear and the same process of lapping is used both front and rear.

Five individual north faces comprise the front attract polarity and the rear has the reverse polarity facing downward. The reason for the separation of the five magnets is that it allows each one to individually pull and discharge the magnetic power which enhances the smoothness of the flow between the magnet and ring.

Explanation of slot size: The wing is .125 thick. The needed outer window size on the wing is 7/8″ by 1 inch. Top-to-bottom spacing is as follows: .060 of room is required at the center of the slot to accommodate the thickness of two Alminal magnets, plus .010 for the mylar which is between the magnets. A .015 thick wire fits above the magnets on the top and .015 thick wire fits below the magnets on the bottom. This total distance then is .100. This leaves a remaining .025 wing material equally sharing a ledge of .012 1/2 above and .012 1/2 below equaling .125. The magnets are cut 3/8″ wide by 15/16″ long, therefore the inner width dimension of the window frame needs to be 15/16 inches. The magnets are glued together half-lap, forming a stack 1-1/8″ total length, with the inner window frame size being 1-1/8 inches. Using these dimensions when the magnets are installed in the wings one will see a magnet size of 7/8″ by 1 inch, with the remaining magnet portion hidden under the holding ledge.

Notice that the angle of the magnet stack is such that the lead edge in the direction of rotation, (see arrow), is centered on the stationary copper rings 88 and 91. See Figure 2. One reason for the mounting of the magnets at this particular angle is because the five individual metal magnets can be mounted in the curved window frame without the need to bend the individual magnets. The mounting of the magnets at this angle is also important because the built-up charge in the wing can then travel along the wing to the wing tip which generates the needed magnetic flow.


Viewing Figure 2 shows electrode #24 in an alignment with one of the 16 electrodes mounted in the Hub which is Electrode #48. Power is now being attracted into Electrode #48 by jumping across an air gap of .015 from power electrode #24. This electrode is now giving up the magnetic charge that was stored in material #23 because the silver electrode #24 is screwed directly into this material. The power came into this material from coaxial cable #26 which is secured to Brush #25. This brush is spring held in a standard brush holder keeping light contact between #25 and #23. As this charge of magnetic energy goes into Electrode #48 it travels 90 degrees back against the rotation to the rear of wing #83 as shown, because a wire .015 thick is secured to Electrode #48 and is held to the Hub with insulation tubing until it arrives at wing #83. The wire is then stripped of insulation and secured directly to the rear of the wing. A very light scoring of the wing is done to form a holding slot which then prevents the wire from vibrating free during normal running. This wire then goes around the five half-lapped magnets making direct contact with them.

The rectangular loop that is formed by the wire is not a completed loop making contact with the original incoming wire. The result then of this circuit is that a magnetic charge is now on the rear side of wing #83. At the same moment electrode #28 is feeding magnetic power into moving electrode #52. This power is coming in on Coaxial Cable #30. Electrode #52 has a wire connected to it that travels 90 degrees back against the direction of rotation and goes to the rear of wing #65. We see therefore that 2 wings, 65 and 83 are now charged. The next wings to be charged will be charged in a very particular wing charging sequence. The wings getting charged will always be 90 degrees apart and the charging happening only in groups of two.

A start sequence for example could be as follows. Wire 66 on the front of wing 65 will get charged on its front wire. The mating wire that gets charged will be on wing 71, front wire 72. For ease of seeing the pulsed sequence, the wire charging sequence is marked alphabetically. Therefore these two wires are both called A when viewing Figure 2. The charge will then go to wing 77, rear wire 79 and wing 83, rear wire 85, both marked B. Next the charge goes to wing 62, rear wire 64 and wing 68, rear wire 70, both marked C. The charge next goes to wing 74, front wire 75 and wing 80, front wire 81, both marked D. The charge next goes to wing 65, rear wire 67 and wing 71, rear wire 73, both marked E. The charge next goes to wing 77, front wire 78 and wing 83, front wire 84, both marked F. Charge next goes to wing 62, front wire 63 and wing 68, front wire 69, both marked G. And finally charge goes to wing 74, rear wire 76 and wing 80, rear wire 82, both marked H.

This arrangement of back and forth charging in different wing combinations is not always accomplished by having either the top set of electrodes on Bar #22 or the bottom set of electrodes on 33 charging the rotors. These electrodes are used together but are also used in combinations. When a time lapse happens, as for example, after the forward movement of cam #18, the cross bar #33 will use its two electrodes to charge the wings. However, when the next two strokes happen almost simultaneously being caused by both cams moving forward, the four electrodes are pushed together to the rotor electrodes which then discharge their magnetic power at exactly 90 degrees apart. It is at this point that combination charging happens between electrodes located on one bar with electrodes from the opposite bar.

For example, when the start sequence happens at wire 66 on the top of wing 65 and its mating wire 72 on wing 71, they might not align with two electrodes on one or the other cross bars but rather they might align with an electrode on one bar with an electrode on the other bar. We can accept this because it is not necessary for a completed wire circuit between the two grouped wings. Each wing has its own completed circuit. The timing between the two wings is merely a needed magnetic timing response. Miniscule time shortages should they occur would have no effect as the pulsing would not be affected because it does not work on the principle of wire to wire feeding as in the case of a standard motor.


There are five coaxial cables coming to the motor from the mother unit, which are needed to supply the power. Ground Wire #45 is connected to the cleaning brush on the Transmuter and goes directly to a brush that contacts the hub of the rotor. Particles flow from the Transmuter Armature to the rotor hub which maximizes the use of the flowing magnetic energy. This brush is insulated from the motor housing.


This magnetic motor has unmatched horsepower to weight ratio. This light weight feature is possible because of the elimination of iron and/or steel which is the primary weight source of standard electric motors. The objectives of this motor are many and one of them is to provide a magnetic powered motor that prevents the danger of explosion or fire, a common problem when standard electric motors burn out. Magnetism when used does not manifest itself as spark thus eliminating the hazard of fire. Since there are no motor coil windings, there is no need for special training to build the unit. This is a relatively inexpensive motor to produce and maintain once the TiAlCo-B metal is obtained. This unit can also be constructed in various sizes.

We hope the use of this motor will reduce pollution and help people see that free magnetic energy is real and available for use. It is critical that we begin to use technology that does not damage the environment, technology designed to recycle energy cleanly and safely.

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