Magnetic Oscillating Water Purifier

Magnetic Oscillating Water Purifier

Magnetic Oscillating Water Purifier
Magnetic Oscillating Water Purifier
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Magnetic Oscillating Water Purifier


Magnetic Water Purifier Drawings (shown above)

Magnetic Water Purifier Hand Drawings

- Water purifier uses free energy, separates sludge from water, ideal for alleviating water pollution
- Water purifier designed to recycle energy and does not create pollution
- Water purifier purifies dirty water at 50 gallons per minute
- Water purifier needs to be driven at 1700 RPM (2 1/4 H.P.)
- Water purifier can operate 24 hours per day
- DC charger for continuous operation is optional
- Water purifier is self-cleaning
- Water purifier requires air compressor
- Water purifier requires water being pumped into unit at 52 pounds per square inch
- Materials readily available to build purifier
- Several water purifiers in a series are capable of desalinization
- The Cold Fusion Motor can power several water purifiers
- Water purifier capable of more complex applications such as the cleansing of radioactive particles from water contaminated by nuclear waste

We are providing this free information out of love to help heal our planet. Please help us in educating people about magnetic energy.

Balance is key when working with magnetic energy. Simply using bigger and/or stronger magnets and higher RPM’s usually produces negative results. When scaling up units such as this one, it is important to consider the magnetic pulse rates. This unit could be configured to produce a Magnetic Water Purifier the size of a large building as long as the critical pulse rates are matched. For example, the magnetic pulse rate that connects the unit to the ionosphere and recycles the magnetic energy back to the ionosphere must be duplicated exactly. The magnetic pulse rate that unlocks water molecules from any contaminants must be duplicated exactly. The science of balance is finding the ideal magnetic strength and field size along with the exact RPM’s to produce the desired pulse rate. Because the elements involved in the magnets and other hardware influence the pulse rate composition, it is vital to use the same elements when scaling up – changing the elements will change the magnetic pulse rate and hence change the results. Eventually water will be purified with programmed crystals making this process much easier.

When this water purifier is closely analyzed, it will become apparent that current scientific theories cannot adequately explain the events that take place within and around this unit. Future scientific research will reveal the importance of magnetic technology and the value the water purifier can have in fields like Environmental Science. Now that something new is put forth, new principles must evolve that best explain this technology; these new principles will then branch out and contribute to a whole new area of science. Aside from scientific research, it is our hope that the free information on this water purifier will help people in need of clean water.

Most scientists have limited the science of harnessing magnetism because they believe and teach that magnetism cannot be insulated, when in fact it can be insulated by various methods. Current technology contradicts what is now being disclosed, but a new paradigm is emerging that will embrace these new concepts and expand on them.

This purifier relies on the polarity clearing energy found within the swirling field of a vortex. Vortexes occur naturally and they can be produced through magnetic devices; either way they remove energy polarities from molecular structures leaving neutral magnetic structures that can be given new polarities. The dynamic principle of the vortex has long been overlooked in its proper connection with magnetic energy. James C. Maxwell, in the 1800’s stated that, “The magnetic force is the effect of the centrifugal force of the vortices and that electromagnetic induction of currents is the effect of the forces called into play when the velocity of the vortices is changing.” Michael Faraday even went so far with his interest in this phenomenon as to conclude there must be currents created in rivers and streams by the passing of a conducting fluid, such as water through the magnetic fields of the earth.

In a more recent time frame (1958), the work of the great scientist/inventor from Austria, Viktor- Schauberger, showed the world a device operated with a similar principle, and 40 years later we are not utilizing these units. WHY? Literature supplied by the Swedish Institute of Ecological Technique (Nygatan 60~ S-902 47 Umea, Sweden) proves that certainly this technology has been available to the science community.

The major factor that will open the door to this ‘energy technology’ is simply recognizing the neutral magnetic field. Historical research shows that at least one person with vision identified this energy form. In the year 1885, a physicist, C. A. Bjerkness, had the idea that energy could be explained as small spheres that pulsate at some unknown universal frequency. The positive result of Bjerkness’s theory is that, if the pulsations are in phase, the particles attract according to the inverse square law; if they act out of phase completely, the particles repel according to the same law. The same principle pertains if they are halfway between being completely in, or out of phase, they are then neutral. Bjerkness’s ideas help explain how this unit functions and why certain particles respond to the magnetic fields the way they do. As you review this unit keep in mind that the magnetic particle reactions occur at a nearly infinite velocity; magnetic energy is not limited to the speed of light as many people believe. Scientific research will show that the speed of light is not a universal energy barrier that cannot be surpassed, and that space travel and space exploration will utilize spaceships that travel far faster than the speed of light. Scientists will come to see that not only is magnetic energy faster than light; our survival, our existence depends on magnetic energy having a nearly infinite velocity.

In order to fully grasp the dynamic principle of the vortex in its proper connection with magnetic energy, we must expand several areas of our present teaching. A force which has come to be called gravity plays a part in all systems and so it does with this unit. Unfortunately the word gravity is already defined to mean an unchangeable force which is too limiting to explain the workings of this unit. Gravity is in fact COMPRESSED MAGNETISM, the catalyst for all energy. It is important to focus on this idea to understand the processes of the unit and the principle behind it. All things move toward the earth because of two compatible yet distinct forces, a push and a pull, with one force not able to manifest without the other. Keeping this in mind as a ‘basis of knowledge’, it will later be shown how the flow pattern within this unit is affected by this push/pull phenomenon. Future scientific research will produce gravity monitoring equipment that will show that vortex energy effects gravity where ever it occurs.

We will now explain the sequence of actions and reactions within the unit to give a better understanding of the unit’s functioning. The copper spiral water spray unit capitalizes on rotational effects of the earth’s system. The magnetic force within this unit is a natural phenomenon caused by the centrifugal force as the water is given to take a specific design and direction. The specific water configuration is formed by the rotating unit inside the bowl; however, the best rotational direction is determined by the location where this unit is to be operated. The test of establishing this rotation is to observe nature’s handiwork. Whatever swirl direction the water takes going down a drain or sump hole is the rotational direction for best cleansing results for a unit operated in that area. The Earth is perfectly balanced into two flow directions, clockwise and counter-clockwise. For simplicity sake, we are supplying drawings for a counter-clockwise flow unit, which takes care of a portion of the world. (The copper tubing needs to be wound in the opposite direction if the rotational direction is to be reversed.)

It is important to note the reason for calling the influencing energy ‘compressed magnetism’. In speaking of this magnetic force it is imperative that it not be viewed from a positive-negative stance. Thus in explaining the unit, to this point, the force itself (compressed magnetism) must be considered neutral. Yes, neutral, until activity influences it. Compressed magnetism can take on an infinite variety of polarities that are all magnetic in nature. The use of the word ‘compressed’ to define this magnetic energy is explained as a large amount of magnetic energy that is put into a small amount of space. That small amount of space should be viewed and compared as the Earth in relationship to the Universe. (See enclosed formula in the Research and Development section.)

North and South denominations inaccurately describe magnetic polarities because we state that north attracts south, north repels north, south repels south. This implies that opposite energy fields attract and similar energy fields repel. Magnets are open systems with energy flowing in and out of them. The similarity of the energy flow is what attracts magnets to each other. Magnets unite inflow to outflow to form a larger system that maintains a similar flow; the systems attract in the most compatible formation to each other because it enables the energy to continue flowing smoothly.

As the drawings and part list are reviewed they will show how galvanized, magnetized, small metal pieces are caused to flow through the center of a vortex thus creating an actual current formed by magnetized structures within this vortex This is the beginning of the principle for this unit. Passing through the vortex we have a containment flow path that is a circular anodized aluminum (Alminal W16) screen. As the metal pieces move downward inside this screen they are actually within a centralized magnetic field. Not until the metal pieces are within this field is the polarity established. This polarity can now be considered an attract polarity as a result of the unwanted molecular structures contained within the sludge being attracted to the like polarity of the magnetized metal pieces.

As these metal pieces are deposited into the top of the center tube, part #25, there is a free fall until the pieces reach the beginning of the screened area, (part #28). From this point on, the pieces no longer continue as a free fall but are guided through a weightless environment with ‘spraying water’ being the directive force. Because of the vortex principle there is no longer a downward force on the metal pieces, in other words, “gravity” is being altered inside of this unit. The magnetic energy in a vortex formation creates a wavelength that temporarily alleviates the effects of compressed magnetism. Conditioning is conditioning is conditioning and we too were conditioned to think gravity cannot be altered until we began to look into the field of magnetic energy.

The 47 water spray jets are all directed to strike the screen and it is precisely at this ‘contact point’ that the separation process begins. The screen itself is made of a special aluminum alloy called Alminal W16, which when in this ‘particular’ field manifests as a very powerful magnetic force. This force field does not respond as an action that causes the sludge or metal pieces to adhere to this alloy directly, but is a response that attracts these items to the screen’s interior which is the center of the magnetic field. With the bonding of these molecular structures to the metal pieces through the force of the water, it now enables the sludge to move downward through the non-screened exit tube part #29, and thus be washed onto the vibrating separator screen #35. This screen shakes the metal pieces from each other and also from the sludge. With the removal of the sludge the magnets have an opportunity to once again strengthen their magnetic field as they pass by the D.C. charger.

There is an intense magnetic oscillating process that is administered to the water and as this clean water exits the unit it remains in a high state of magnetic excitation. It is desirable to have the water continue in this excited state because certain molecular changes will take place that will bring the water to its full ‘ripeness’ ready for drinking. The water’s continued motion is the only requirement to administer this final process, therefore, the water is pumped through copper tubing of a certain configuration and length before being deposited into the fresh water storage tank.

To build this unit and enjoy the tremendous amount of clean water it is not necessary to conduct a deep study of magnetic energy. However, one might be inspired to investigate the actual ‘circuitry’ which causes this cleansing action. Electrical principles cannot explain magnetic energy, electricity (as we know it) and magnetism (as we are presenting it) are distinctly different fields of study.

This magnetic flow can understood by viewing the action of the coaxial cable attached to the unit. This cable is not used as a grounding ‘safety factor’ because voltage or spark are not manifest when this unit operates. A particular ‘magnetic flow transfer’ happens between the center screen and the ground as this cable is connected, thus without its use the unit will not function. A coaxial cable is needed because it supplies the needed ‘path of circuitry’ for this energy. This cable’s ‘core wire’ must be steel that is copper coated.

Every process in the unit creates different patterns of magnetic molecular structures that accomplish different purposes. If we could peer into the various forms of energy within this unit we would see many different patterns of magnetic structures within the electrons of the hardware, the water, and the space within the unit. Contrary to current teaching, electrons are not homogeneous, unchanging spheres of energy, they are more like snowflakes. No two are exactly the same, but their similarities cause them to be attracted to each other. The various elements, motions, and magnetic fields within this unit establish the polarities that the electrons follow. Magnetic energy has an infinite variety of uses, it just needs the proper conditions to be useful.

In the past scientists provided hard evidence to show that the electron must have a core structure. The fact is that each electron has an identifiable core structure of its own composed of magnetic molecular structures. Identifying the core structure allows us to have greater control and manipulation of electrons.

When Albert Einstein held to the view that the relative relationship of one particle to another did not matter, he was in error. Each particle is a molecular structure. Einstein’s error was not so much the calculations but the verbiage. Had he said “molecular structures” different ideas may have evolve from his work. People did not take the word “particle” any further. His view then suggested that the redistribution of particles was not possible. The problem has always been with our understanding the manner in which the redistribution takes place. When a molecular structure breaks down there is a transfer of energy to the greatest part which is the attracting force. When groups of molecules break down, the attract energy between them is transferred to the individual parts giving these parts the freedom to attract to other molecules that are similar to the individual parts. The sludge and the water are subjected to a field that releases the attract energy between them. The sludge attracts to the metal pieces because these pieces have polarities similar to the sludge, and the water attracts to the outer wall because it has a polarity similar to the polarity manifesting near the wall. The universal principle of attract – attract applies to this situation as with every situation.

To learn how the earth system functions, people must understand that MAGNETISM IS A CONSTANT, the very GLUE of the Universe.

This water purifier can be used in a more complex manner when several units run in a series. For example, the unit can separate radioactive particles from water, to help reduce the effects of nuclear waste. Water pollution is harming the environment and life to an unacceptable level. Clean fresh water is being used faster than the earth can replenish it, so a new water purifier is necessary. It is also critical to have a water purifier that can perform desalinization at a reasonable cost. The Cold Fusion Motor is capable of working with the purifier to perform desalinization on an ongoing basis. Ground water pollution is also at unacceptable levels. This water purifier can work in conjunction with the Romag and the Magnetic Water Pump to clean ground water. The water pump can efficiently extract ground water so that the water purifier can clean the water and provide it for agriculture and other uses. By working together we can help people have clean water and we can clean up our planet Earth.


1) MAIN FRAME- 1-3/4″ SQ. TUBING, 25″ x 25″ SQ. BY 61″ HIGH. Aluminum is necessary because the magnets have a draw factor to our atmosphere and draw molecular structures that are already magnetized enabling the magnets to remain constant in energy. A steel frame would interfere with this draw factor.

2) COPPER BOWL, 22″ HIGH, 191/4″ O.D., 1/8″ THICK, CONE SHAPED TO 4-3/4″ O.D. This bowl is fastened at its top flange directly to the aluminum frame part #1 by use of non-magnetic bolts, (bolts that a magnet will not adhere to).


4) Copper flange welded to the bottom of bowl #2, measuring 4-3/4″ I.D. by 51/2″ O.D. by 3/8″ thick.






10) DRIVE MOTOR, 21/4 H.P. TO ROTATE PART #7 AT 1700 RPM. This motor is not to be bolted directly to Frame #1, but should be mounted on a separate frame. Electrical wires are only a point of transference where an exchange takes place. We must allow this unit to draw the needed magnetized magnetic molecular structures from the atmosphere without interference.

11) 3/4″ HOLES FOR WATER INTAKE DRILLED INTO PART #7. This water intake passageway becomes possible because of the shape of part #7.

12) STATIONARY WATER HOLDING CHAMBER BOLTED TO FRAME #1. The chamber is shaped around for 360° to allow the incoming water to be circuited into part #7 without slowing the water volume.

13) TEFLON WATER SEAL TO FLOW WATER INTO PART #7.This is a standard water seal which directs the water into part #7.

14) DIRTY WATER INTAKE PIPE (52 pounds PRESSURE) TO FEED 3/4″ COPPER LINE. This incoming water must be screened in advance to remove particles larger than .045″. (See Figure 7 for suggested screen design.)

15) COPPER SUPPORT RING BOLTED To PART #7 MEASURING 16″ O.D. BY 3/4″ THICK. This copper support ring is formed with a varying height thickness which corresponds to the shape needed to firmly weld this ring directly to the top copper tube wrap.



18) COPPER COIL ASSEMBLY WITH 17 WRAPS OF 1″ O.D. PIPE, 1/8″ WALL THICKNESS SHAPED AS SHOWN. This copper unit when rotated at 1700 RPM’s builds a certain magnetic charge that must not be allowed to dissipate into the drive hub part #7. The mica insulation, when 1/8″ thick (part #16), serves as an effective means to prevent any undue energy dissipation. For winding details to form this copper coil unit see Figure 5. This coil’s shape and size are of critical importance because this unit, when rotating, creates a very special water configuration.

19) 47 SPRAY NOZZLES, 1/2″ LONG, WITH 3/16″ DIA. ORIFICES. These spray nozzles are facing slightly downward to serve the purpose of being the directive force to drive the metal pieces through the vortex magnetic field. (The final few lower spray nozzles are directed slightly upward, as shown, to help prevent water from entering the lower tube by simply passing in front of the rotating coil unit.) The water volume, spraying inward from the rotating copper tube assembly must be a heavier flow, through the center portion, therefore the spray nozzles are spaced around on the copper wraps as shown in Figure 5. (Example – the first top five wraps have only 3 nozzles each.) The spacing pattern is completed as shown in Figure 5 spaced equidistantly around.

20) SPECIAL NON-METAL WATER FITTING TO FLOW WATER FROM PART #7 TO PART #18. This ‘union type’ fitting, being non-metal, allows the water to flow to the copper unit #18, however it does not dissipate the magnetic charge into part #7.

21) A SERIES OF 1″ long by 7/32″ by 1/2″ LONG COPPER SPACERS TO HOLD COIL WRAPS 7/32″ APART. These pieces are all welded to part #18. This spacing controls the volume of water which will flow to the space between the copper bowl – part #2, and the outside area of the rotating copper unit part #18. It is important that this 7/32″ space be maintained exactly, therefore the actual number of spacers used should ‘be enough’ to produce a structure which can withstand the rotational speed of 1700 RPM’s. After welding, this coil assembly should be properly balanced.

22) NINE ALUMINUM FRAMES, EACH TO HOLD THREE PERMANENT MAGNETS. These frames are equally spaced around for 360° and mounted to the outside surface of copper bowl part #2, spaced away 1/8″ using nylon washers and screws. The top of the magnets in each frame are 2-3/4″ below the underside of the top flange which supports the copper bowl. A full size top view of one frame is shown in Figure 4. Figure 2 shows the picture frame design which allows magnets to be inserted from the top and then held in place by the top aluminum retaining bar.

23) 27 PERMANENT MAGNETS MOUNTED INSIDE PARTS #22, EACH BEING 31/2″ LONG, 2″ WIDE, 1/4″ THICK. A very special coil and water charging event takes place as these magnets are arranged as shown in Figure 3. Shown in Figure 3 is one holder that has three south magnets inserted to designate which magnets are put into groups of three. The remaining 8 holders must have the magnet polarities spaced as shown. The magnets needed for this unit are the powerful iron-boron neodymium. The unbalanced magnetic polarities shown in Figure 3 cause a certain ‘sharing of magnetic fields’. This sharing process manifests as two circles of ‘magnetic energy flows’ with one circle going around clockwise and the other counter-clockwise, which is a ‘directional flow’ likened to a double vortex action. As the unit is rotated during start-up for a 22 minute period, these magnets take part in charging up the water and copper coil assembly until finally the total unit manifests as a very powerful magnetic force field. A 22 minute charging time is required with the water’s flow-through volume cut back to 25% of its full flow rate. The intake and exit valves can be fully opened after this charging sequence to allow the passage of the full flow rate of 47 to 52 gallons per minute. In that the energy influence from the 27 permanent magnets is never ‘shut off’ it could be stated that these magnets serve the purpose of supplying the needed conductive activity to the generating force.

The water’s rotational velocity is very substantial because the charge to the copper bowl creates an action that manifests as an almost negative resistance to the moving water.

24) A NYLON COLLAR, 1-3/8″ I.D., 41/2″ O.D. by 7/8″THICK HELD TO TUBE #29. This nylon collar serves two purposes. A) It serves as a safety factor to the copper coil assembly. If this coil unit, for whatever reason, started to vibrate and move its lower section from side to side, then the nylon collar would become a safety bump surface to limit sidewise movement until necessary repairs are made. B) This collar also serves as a water stop to prevent an undue amount of water from passing ‘in front of’ the bottom copper wrap.

25) BRASS TUBE BOLTED TO FRAME #1, BEING 13-3/4″ LONG, 1″ I.D., 1/8″ WALL THICKNESS. As metal pieces are deposited into the top of this tube they have a free fall until reaching the screen area.



28) CENTER ALMINAL W16 TUBE (ANODIZED), 18″ LONG, 2″ I.D., 1/8″ WALL THICKNESS, WITH .050 HOLES, TIGHTLY SPACED, DRILLED INTO TUBE. This tube is inserted from the bottom of the unit by having two 1/4″ wide slots fit around nylon rods – part #26. The tube is rotated to lock in these nylon rods before being bolted at the bottom. The 1/8″ thick mylar tube #27 insulates this tube from part #25. When the unit is ‘fully charged’ this center tube has a certain magnetic ‘energy potential’ that responds to a ‘charge potential’ built up in the copper coil assembly. The needed action that happens is for the water to complete this circuit. This then explains the reason for insulating both the center tube and the copper coil unit. This center tube is anodized after the holes are drilled, which then allows for the correct energy flow pattern.

Alminal W16 is ideal for building and holding the magnetic charge because of the elements used during this metal’s formulation. These elements are M-1273, M-1274: 3 Cu, 4 Mg, 0.6 Si, 0.6 Fe, 1 Mn, 0.2 Ti, 4.0-8.5 Zn, bal Al. WP-temper: 78,000 – 85,000 TS; 67,000 – 74,000 YS; 5-4 El. For structural members: age-hardened, high strength.

29) LOWER PORTION OF CENTER TUBE, (SAME MATERIAL), 21″ LONG, 1-3/8″ I.D., 1/8″ WALL THICKNESS WELDED TO PART #28, NO HOLES, (shaped as shown on drawing). As the clean water swirls around this tube the water actually contacts the outside surface of this tube and continues to be magnetically activated during this downward exit path. The reason for not having holes in this tube is because we do not want to ‘re-mix’ the sludge inside this tube with the clean water which is swirling on this tube’s outer surface.



32) 1/8″ THICK MICA INSULATION TUBE BETWEEN PARTS #29 AND #31. This insulation tube is needed to insulate the center tube assembly at this bottom location.

33) COAXIAL CABLE SECURED TO PART #29 TO CONNECT CENTER TUBE TO PART #28 TO GROUND. This coaxial cable should have a center wire made of steel that is copper coated. This wire is connected to a copper/brass shaft put into the ground 5 feet.

34) CLEAN WATER EXIT LOCATION PIPED TO CLEAN WATER PUMP #42. Eight 1/2″ I.D. pipes spaced 360° around lower part of tube remove clean water. This is to prevent a turbulent back-wash. The water, when arriving at this bottom location, is still moving at a needed swirl velocity, and the water removal is spaced to compliment the water’s rotational movement.

35) VIBRATING SHAKER TO SEPARATE SLUDGE FROM METAL PIECES. This shaker should be slide mounted to allow quick removal of metal pieces from the center tube, which is downward. As time passes, this center tube will need to have the holes flushed out and then be re-inserted. If this maintenance job is accomplished quickly, the unit can be charged and put back in service with a minimal amount of downtime.

36) SLUDGE CONTAINER. This tank should be wheel mounted for quick cleaning action.

37) LIGHT WATER SPRAY TO CLEANSE METAL PIECES. As the metal pieces vibrate downward along the top of the shaker screen, this light water spray helps to cleanse the sludge away from the metal pieces.

38) VERTICAL SCREW CONVEYOR, 63″ LONG, 2-1/8″ SCREW DIA., NON-MAGNETIC METAL CONSTRUCTION. As the metal pieces fall from the shaker they travel on a slide pan for a short distance and fall into the bottom hopper of this screw conveyor and are carried upward.

39) TOP CROSS SCREW CONVEYOR 17″ LONG, 2-1/8″ SCREW DIA. The hopper at the tail end of this screw conveyor is shaped to receive the metal pieces from the exit top end of conveyor #38. This conveyor then drops the metal pieces into the center opening of part #25.

40) A TOTAL OF 18 POUNDS OF MAGNETIZED GALVANIZED METAL SHAPES TO FLOW IN SYSTEM. Each piece measures 1/2″ long, 1/4″ wide by .005″ thick (rounded corners). As a metal shape enters the top tube part #25, a time frame of 6 to 7 seconds will pass before this same metal shape exits at the bottom. It is during this ‘travel path time frame’ that it will collect the sludge that attracts to it. These metal pieces will ‘clump together’ along with the sludge as they travel downward.

41) A D.C. charger to once again strengthen the field of the metal pieces (if necessary). This charger is shown mounted on the bottom surface of the slide plate which carries the metal pieces from the shaker to the vertical screw conveyor.

42) A 2 H.P. CLEAN WATER PUMP. This pump is used to drive the water through the final water cleansing stage.



Figure 7 shows an open ended drum that is supported from a back plate. The front end is opened to allow the water from Part #43 to go into this drum. This drum rotates a 5 micron stainless steel screen which is fastened on the outside of its aluminum rod assembly with this ‘rod assembly’ welded to the front plate. As the water is deposited onto the inner bottom surface of this screen, the water passes through the screen falling into the tank. The screen intercepts any particles larger than 5 microns and then slowly carries these dirt particles around 180° where a set of air jets gently blow the captured dirt into a catch box. This ‘rotating screen’ results in all the incoming water being cleansed by passing through a clean screen. Thus we can say that in a 24 hour period this process will produce 50 gallons per minute x 60 minutes equaling 3000 gallons per hour by 24 hours equaling 72,000 gallons of clean water per 24 hour period.

This concludes the parts list/explanation.


To review, a rotating copper coil assembly is spun inside a copper bowl. The space distance between the spinning copper coil and the inside of this copper bowl is of CRITICAL importance. The reason is this. The 27-iron/boron neodymium magnets send their energy charge inside this bowl creating an ANTI-friction surface for the water that arrives there BETWEEN the 17 wraps of one-inch pipe. This water then rotates AT THE SAME SPEED as the outer surface of the rotating coil. If the space distance between the pipes and the wall changed, the water SPINNING action would be reduced to then cause less magnetic charging of the water.

Next, we address the magnet polarity placement. This particular magnet arrangement causes a blending of magnetic circuitry as the water passes through these fields. This action then produces TWO magnetic rotating forces, one rotating WITH the copper coil and a second field OF EQUAL STRENGTH rotating backwards.

Next, we focus on the ground cable. This wire is secured to the bottom part of the center tube. However, when stating the wire then GOES TO GROUND, we need to expand on just WHAT TYPE of ground. We DO NOT use a standard electrical ground rod that is copper-coated steel. The ground rod should be the same thickness and distance into the ground as an electrical ground rod BUT it should be made of a copper/brass metal combination. Magnetic current tends to GRAB the steel part of the electrical rod that then STOPS THE FLOW causing what could be called a magnetic short circuit.

There are many modifications that could be made for maintenance reasons. For example, what if some of the 47 spray nozzles become clogged due to the input of very dirty water? The center alminal tube can be removed and the copper flange (part #4) taken apart. Next, someone could flush out the tube by removing the plug from the last wrap and inserting a hose to pressurize the non-rotating coil assembly to see exactly which spray nozzles need cleaning.

At that point, one can inspect the nylon collars (part #24) to see if the bottom coil wrap contacted this collar. Naturally, if it did, the coil would need to be remounted and balanced. This nylon collar is only a safety factor to the coil assembly. Its primary use is to serve as a water stop as stated. NOTE: the last copper coil wrap DOES NOT ride on the nylon collar. This coil assembly is held together as a solid unit through the welding parts 21, which are a series of 1″ long, 7/32″ thick copper spacers. These spacers create the needed SPACE GAP between the coils for the proper water flow. This flow pattern allows the rotating volume of water to build to a water wall THICKNESS that can be measured. The measurement is from the inside of the copper bowl to the inside surface of the copper tubes, a distance that does not interfere with INCOMING WATER from the 47 spray nozzles.

It is necessary to focus on one primary action of this unit. The rotating water, charged by the magnets, can be likened to a large rotating magnet. The CLEAN metal pieces cannot fall through this field. Thus at the upper part of the screened area, the pieces COLLECT into a given VOLUME. This assembly of pieces then captures sludge which is driven DOWNWARD by the angle of the 47 spray nozzles. Only when the 1/2″ long by 1/4″ wide by .005 thick metal pieces become weighted (by collecting sludge) do they travel downward to fall onto the shaker part #35.

This collection of sludge, onto the pieces, is caused to happen because of their magnetic CHARGE which attracts to the sludge. The center alminal tube (part #28) serves as a magnetic dividing line. As the 47 spray nozzles send their sprayed water toward this tube, the magnetic charge, to the tube welcomes the sludge inside while causing the clean water TO NOT enter this tube. This water, now in a SPRAY STATE, then moves outward to gather into flowing water that passes between the 7/32″ spaces between the copper coils.

It goes without saying that proper water seals need to be installed so as to allow the 52 pounds of water pressure to flow into the system. However, the two ball bearings with a 3-1/2″ ID (part #6) MUST NOT be made of a material that allows a magnet to adhere to them. This unit operates with a very sensitive magnetic current flow. Thus standard steel ball bearings could cause a magnetic short-circuit that would negate the water cleansing process.

The work of many visionaries who capitalized on a similar principle should no longer be suppressed. Simply constructing this Magnetic Oscillating Water Purifier can help usher in our golden age of civilization, thus allowing magnetic energy to take its rightful place to not only meet our energy needs but to help clean up the environment. Please share this information with others. 

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