Gravity is compressed magnetic energy. Gravity is the movement of magnetic energy through an attract circuit whereby objects within that circuit are influenced by two distinct magnetic forces. Gravity is so much more than simply mass attracting mass. The gravity circuit is inter-dimensional and facilitates countless energetic processes between dimensions. The gravity circuit requires two distinct polarities of magnetic energy that interact with each other through an attract action. One of those fields begins in an outer rim, such as the energy rim on the outer edge of the solar system. The other field ends in the inner rim, which is in the interior of the sun. Pulsed magnetic energy constantly flows from the outer rim to the inner rim via an attract circuit. The magnetic gravity circuit always manifests as a push/pull phenomenon to the objects within the circuit field. The inner energy rim inside the sun is constantly attracting the magnetic energy from the outer energy rim at the edge of the solar system.
Both fields are continuously fed inter-dimensional neutral energy that is converted to a specific polarity within each field. For simplicity purposes, we could say the outer energy rim of the solar system is positive and the inner energy rim of the solar system inside the sun is negative, so there is an attract response. The magnetic energy pulses move from the outer rim to the inner rim because the magnetic circuit flows in that direction via the sun on attract to the next stage of its journey. Overall, the gravity circuit is consistent throughout, even as fluctuations naturally occur. The magnetic gravity circuit manifests as a powerful push/pull force as long as the object is inside the circuit and has polarities compatible with that circuit. The outer rim, which is typically somewhat spherical in shape, attracts energy to it from outside the circuit creating a relatively small amount of attraction in space, but the actual gravity circuit begins inside the outer rim. Also, planetary satellites, such as our moon, utilize a different magnetic energy process whereby a rotating/counter-rotating magnetic vortex between the earth and moon locks the moon into place. The earth’s overall gravity circuit begins outside the ionosphere with the outer rim and flows to the interior of the earth for the inner rim.
Every solar system has a unique gravity polarity or signature, and the energy fields around the objects in each solar system are typically compatible with the gravity circuit of that solar system. The unique combination of elements and higher dimension elemental templates in each solar system influence the specific polarity reading of each solar system. So while solar systems may have a positive outer rim and negative inner rim, the exact magnetic energy pulses in their gravity circuits vary according to the unique characteristics of each solar system, creating unique magnetic polarities or energy signatures. This is an unconventional way of using the word polarity, but from a technological perspective it is useful because these various magnetic polarities interact with each other with attraction and repulsion. Basically, there are unending varieties of positive, negative, and neutral magnetic energies and nature treats them as distinct energy units. In a magnetic gravity circuit if either polarity is disrupted or alleviated, the push/pull force stops. This is true for our planet’s gravity circuit, the solar system’s gravity circuit, the galaxy’s gravity circuit, etc.
Distinct gravity circuits can exist within other gravity circuits as long as the gravity circuits have unique polarities. For example, our solar system has a unique gravity circuit polarity that allows it to be treated essentially like one object within our galaxy, and everything inside our solar system’s gravity circuit functions somewhat independently from our galaxy. Likewise, our planet’s gravity circuit is distinctly different from our solar system’s gravity circuit which allows us autonomy as long as we are inside the earth’s gravity circuit. To go further, a magnetic space ship’s gravity circuit is independent of earth’s gravity circuit so while the ship is in our atmosphere, the orientation of the ship can be in any direction and the inhabitants always remain on the floor. Each gravity circuit manifests as an overall singular magnetic pulsing entity with a unique polarity composition, and all the moving parts inside that gravity circuit function together and contribute to that overall magnetic field. For instance, in our solar system, each body has inter-dimensional magnetic energy flowing in and out of it, and all of these energies combine to produce the overall magnetic reading for our solar system.
The orbit of each body, the speed of movement, the rotation of each body all work together like a well oiled machine to produce a unified magnetic field with a unique polarity reading or signature. A higher dimension solar system template initiates attract fields in each moment to keep things functioning, and the template initiates corrective attract fields when adjustments are needed. Although it appears as if things are randomly happening, there are attract fields continuously forming to maintain magnetic coherency to ensure that our solar system keeps pulsing to match a higher dimensional energy structure. Planetary orbits follow a set path inside the gravity circuit, not simply because of their mass, but because of the energy flowing through the planet and the orbital path magnetic resonance which contributes to the overall energy pattern of the solar system.
Vortices of magnetic energy flowing in and out of planets interact with the gravity circuit guiding the planets in their orbits thereby preventing orbital decay. Planets are essentially attracted to their orbits by powerful fields that work to maintain solar system coherency. Orbital speed and rotational speed for any object, including stars, is determined by the magnetic energy flow through the object, the strength of the vortices, the composition of the object in relationship to the gravity circuit around it, and the role it is playing with the overall gravity circuit polarity, and more. For example, stars can move very fast even when they are located near the outer edge of a galaxy, as long as they are inside the gravity circuit for that galaxy.
Magnetic energy technology provides total freedom from the influence of gravity because magnetic pulses can be generated to cancel out any gravity circuit polarities. Magnetic energy also provides artificial gravity fields that are quite handy for space travel. Once humans realize what gravity really is and how it works, they will see that there are many ways to alleviate gravity. The sub-atomic magnetic pulses that comprise gravity circuits are only capable of influencing elements in a given pulse rate range. These gravity pulses will push and pull sub-atomic components with polarities that are consistent with that particular gravity circuit and essentially ignore sub-atomic components outside their range. For example, if you subject a person or object to a magnetic current of a given pulse rate, the magnetic pulses in our gravity circuit will simply go right through and around that person or object. The person or object essentially becomes weightless because the sub-atomic polarities are now outside the range of the magnetic gravity circuit pulses. Also, if you have a disk that is spinning and pulsing with magnetic energy, once it hits a certain pulse rate, the gravity circuit pulses stop influencing it and everything below it. As the pulse rate increase, the disk can actually gain upward mobility. Conventional rockets are dangerous, inefficient, and terribly polluting. It is time to let go of old theories and embrace new ideas and usher in a truly golden age of civilization.
Here’s some Q & A.
What is Gravity?
Gravity is compressed etheric/magnetic energy. The compression or pressure force results from an etheric/magnetic attraction circuit that occurs in the field of a source body or energy system.
Is gravity a constant in this etheric/magnetic model?
Gravity is a constant in so much as the interdimensional pressure flow of etheric/magnetic energy is a constant and gravity circuits completely depend on that flow.
Does gravity have a pulse rate?
Yes, Gravity pulse rates vary with each planet, solar solar, galaxy and more and all of these pulse rates will be precisely documented as magnetic technology is developed.
Is gravity neutral?
Gravity is predominantly neutral with encoding that varies with each gravitational circuit. The neutral nature of gravity allows it to easily integrate with most systems exerting its influence.
Are there different types of gravity?
Only one type of energy manifests gravitationally but it has different expressions depending on the system and circuit connections. For example, General Gravity Circuits such as the field surrounding the Earth or the solar system have different characteristics compared to System Connecting Gravity Circuits formed between planets and stars, and planets and moons, etc.
What is the shape of the gravity circuit?
The gravity circuit typically manifests as a torus or some version of a torus. The gravity circuit is in continuous motion and etheric/magnetic energy exchange with neutral interdimensional energy entering the system and exiting the system. The torus dynamics circulate neutral energy to the outer regions of the torus where that energy seeds the etheric/magnetic interdimensional exchange drawing in more neutral energy. The neutral energy at the outer edge of the gravity circuit is attracted to the neutral center of the torus, located inside the gravity circuit source.
How does a General Gravity Circuit work?
The source body, such as a planet or star, produces an outer region of an energy field, such as the outer ionosphere or the heliosphere, and that region exhibits the start of etheric/magnetic energy conversion and the beginning of the gravity circuit. The etheric/magnetic energy is then attracted to the source body with a specific pulse rate, resonance, etc. This process is at a quantum or subatomic level. This etheric/magnetic energy influences essentially everything in its path, blending its energies into the incoming and outgoing etheric/magnetic vortices of all systems and objects creating a push/pull phenomenon.
How does the General Gravity Circuit differ from the System Connecting Gravity Circuit?
The General Gravity Circuit creates a sweeping energetic influence on essentially all systems and objects in its path. The System Connecting Gravity Circuit typically combines at least two gravity circuits. When gravity circuits meet, such as the sun and a planet, or a planet and a moon, the combined gravity fields interact with counter-balancing push/pull forces. These mutual counter-balancing fields typically manifest with counter-rotating etheric/magnetic vortices that create tremendous stability to keep the objects in well-defined orbits.
What are the pulse and resonant characteristics of gravity?
Even though gravity circuits are predominantly neutral, the resonant characteristics of gravity pulses and waves include the elemental signatures of the source system connected to the gravity circuit, the pulse rate of the gravity, the volume of etheric/magnetic energy in the gravity circuit, the compression or flow rate of the energy in the circuit, the attract force of the circuit which is typically connected to the rotational dynamics of the governing source body, and more.
Is gravity a function of mass?
No, gravity is a function of the etheric/magnetic energy flowing through a system which often correlates to the perceived size of a planet, star, etc. The anomalies that are often ignored are critical to this model. For example, low mass planets/stars can have higher than expected gravity fields and high mass planets/stars can have weaker than expected gravity fields. The magnetic field size, resonant cavitation, rotational speed, system pressure, and element spectrum all contribute to a source body’s gravity circuit characteristics, so gravity as a function of mass is a serious over simplification.
How does the gravity circuit actually influence objects in its path?
At the outer edge of the gravity field the ether/magnetic conversion takes place with the release of relatively neutral quantum gravity pulses that are attracted to the source system. These energy pulses move extremely fast with high efficiency until they encounter any system in their path at which time they elongate into a spiral configuration and integrate into the system. As these gravity circuit energies move through a system, they exert a push/pull combination with a quantum energy structure re-orientation alignment with the gravity circuit. For example, at any given moment human beings have quantum gravity waves integrating and passing through their bodies at specific pulse rates and resonant signatures causing subatomic reorientation and a push/pull force within Earth’s gravity circuit. This force is a constant and occurs throughout the human body primarily in accordance with the parameters of Earth’s gravity circuit.
What creates the strength of the gravity field?
The elongated gravity pulse, which scientists will refer to as a wave in its spiral configuration, moves at a much slower speed than the initial gravity pulse. These quantum gravity waves maintain a constant speed influence depending on the specific gravity circuit hosting them. This is why objects of various sizes and masses fall at the same rate; the quantum gravitational waves maintain a constant velocity within the gravity circuit. The force upon objects relates to the resonant frequency of the objects in relationship to the gravity circuit. So, the weight of any given object in a gravity circuit completely depends on resonance attraction between the object and the gravity circuit. For example, a gravity circuit with iron energetic signatures has a higher attract force with systems containing iron molecular structures creating the effect of greater weight of iron in that gravity circuit.
Is dark energy and/or dark matter part of this etheric/magnetic model?
No, those modern theoretical constructs are not necessary in this model because every gravitational relationship can be explained by the etheric/magnetic gravitational circuits.
Can gravity be canceled or enhanced?
Yes, if either the push or pull of the etheric/magnetic energy on a system is blocked through pulsing, the gravity function will be diminished. The gravity circuit can also be accentuated. This process can be accomplished with etheric/magnetic pulsing energy technology harnessing magnetic fields, sound fields, or light pulsing.
Can this model explain red shift and the high-speed movement of galaxies?
Yes, all movement of moons, planets, stars, solar systems, galaxies, etc. can be explained by this model of etheric/magnetic energy where the Universe is all energy and every system is open. The gravitational dynamics between galaxies do not depend on mass, but on the etheric/magnetic circuits in which the galaxies exist.
What is needed for a mathematical model supporting the etheric/magnetic model?
Calculations involving etheric/magnetic flow rates, pulse detection technology, and quantum level elemental signature technology will be combined for gravity circuit analysis and computations.
How does the etheric/magnetic model incorporate gravity and space travel?
Magnetic technology utilizes onboard gravity circuits that mimic natural gravity circuits, as well as vehicle encompassing pulsing magnetic fields that completely alleviate gravity fields. Magnetically powered vehicles also harness natural gravitational pathways throughout the cosmos to navigate via magnetic attract fields.
How do multiple gravity circuits interact?
Essentially all systems exist within multiple gravity circuits. Gravity pulses continuously convert to gravity waves at the quantum level inside every system exerting multiple levels of influence. These various gravitational energies readily blend and combine their circuit dynamics according to their field concentrations. The outer field of General Gravity Circuits creates a degree of shielding from other gravity circuits creating dynamic stability within each system.
What role does gravity play in etheric/magnetic technology?
Gravity impacts every system in its circuit, including free energy devices. Learning to influence the gravitation circuit inside the units is absolutely critical to the functioning of the units. Future manufacturing will no doubt include processes where gravity is modified to produce incredible magnets, crystals, alloys, and much more.
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